Preparing Your Patio for the Winter Months

September 27th, 2022

As winter quickly approaches, there are a few steps you can take today to ensure your patio looks its best come Spring.

  • Metal Shovels: While its best to remove any snow or ice from your patio in a timely manner, we don’t recommend doing so with a metal shovel. A metal shovel can cause chipping and damage. Instead, opt for a plastic shovel or snow blower.
  • Clear Your Patio: It’s best to clear your patio of any debris before winter sets-in and stays.
  • Sealers: Sealers can be a good solution to protect our patio from cracking and contracting (both caused by moisture). They are best applied on a day above freezing and without precipitation.
  • Ice Melt: We do not recommend using ice melt on your patio as the salt can cause erosion, discoloration and cracking.


As always, reach out to our team with any specific questions you may have as you prepare for the winter months ahead.